Category Archives: Creativity

The freedom to pursue what’s inside

by hellomynameisscott on September 30, 2014 in Creativity, Identity with No Comments

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 8.46.34 AMThe only artistic goal worth pursuing is freedom.

Freedom over what I create, freedom over why and how I create it, freedom over whom I create it with and freedom over what I do with it once it’s created, that’s all I care about. Everything else flows from there.

Macleod famously said tat the sovereignty we have over our work will inspire far more people than the actual content ever will.

Making this documentary has inspired me to find new ways to express myself through the instrument. To find new ways to be free and to own my world. To own my media, own my platform, own my career and ultimately own my life.

Tastes like freedom to me.

Are you conquering your work, or is your work conquering you?

Hire people to amplify what you do

by hellomynameisscott on September 29, 2014 in Creativity with No Comments


When it comes to creative work, there’s nothing wrong with being a control freak. The fiercely independent artist deserves sovereignty over their work.

But you can’t do everything yourself forever. There comes a point in every creator’s life when you have to defer. You have to hire people to amplify what you do. Otherwise you impose a ceiling on the level of impact you can have.

Over the years, I’ve contracted dozens of designers, illustrators, developers, coders, editors, researchers, programmers, virtual assistants, audio engineers and public relations specialists. Each one of these people filled in the skills gap when I surpassed the perimeter of my competence. And with their support, all of my projects grew light years beyond what could have been possible on my own.

That’s a form of creativity too. The resourcefulness to find the people who can help you become what you need to be.

Because if you pick the right people, all you have to do as the artist is cast a vision, sit back and watch them do their magic.

It’s actually quite liberating. Once you let go of trying do everything, it feels like you can do anything.

Who was the last person you paid real money to amplify what you do?

Darkness may find me, but I shall never choose it

by hellomynameisscott on September 28, 2014 in Creativity with No Comments

Love is the Only 3At the heart of what it means to be a person is the act of dreaming, doing and finishing. Coming alive through the pursuit of your ideas.

And the good news is, there has never been a better time go all in. The digital revolution has made that process more accessible than ever before.

But every great moment in human history has an opposition that is proportional to its greatness. And that’s the downside of dreaming. Spend five minutes online, and you’ll discover a universal voice of anonymity waiting to shit on your dream. A chorus of haters, frustrated that their dreams have not come true, whose sole purpose in life to make yours feel like a nightmare.

But we can’t let those uncompromising forces of reality scare us into working small. Otherwise the dream devolves into something worse.

Pressfield explains that our dreams don’t dissipate if we turn our backs on them, they invert. They go underground. They turn negative and act out. They surface as shadow forms of our heart’s desire. And those shadow versions are never pretty.

And so, as dreamers, we are obliged to at least try. To at least believe that our sweetest dreams will not be stolen from us.

Because who knows? As my mentor once said, some of us are lucky enough to experience the euphoria that comes with the knowledge that life has granted us the grace of a dream realized. And even for those of us who come to the end of our dream and, sadly, have nothing to show for it, at least we can be grateful to have lived in place where dreams were had and followed.

Did you work on your dream today?

Open a new vein of freedom

by hellomynameisscott on September 25, 2014 in Creativity, Identity with No Comments

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 8.41.13 AMHenri famously said not to bother about your originality, but to set yourself as free as you possibly can, and your originality would take care of itself.

One of the ways to we accomplish that is by putting whimsy on wheels. By giving ourselves permission to follow seemingly ridiculous ideas to fruition. Even if they don’t work out. Because the point is in the trying. The purpose is in the practice. The goal is to strengthen our freedom muscle until it’s quivering and veiny and oiled up, poised to step across the lines of artistic safety and create something people don’t even have a name for.

When I first conceived the idea for this concert documentary, what most excited me about the project was the freedom use the talents I might never exercise anywhere else. Singing, strumming, songwriting, storytelling, these were the musical gifts I’d been honing for so many years, but had never found a home for.

Until now.

And the more footage we edited, the prouder I felt about the movie’s originality. Not because I was trying to be unique, but because I was trying to be free.

Henri was right. Freedom is what creates the most hospitable environment for your greatest talents to do their most original work.

Are you building the house where your freedom resides?

Failure is massively overrated

by hellomynameisscott on September 24, 2014 in Creativity with No Comments


Home 1I’m not against it, but we need to stop fetishizing failure as the panacea to all growth.

Because in many situations, failure is a function of expectation. It’s about the mindset which we enter the creative process. If our goal is to win a dance competition, for example, and we come in sixth place, we failed. But if our goal is to enjoy the opportunity to dance, and we come in sixth place, we succeeded. And nobody can take that away from us.

Because in our infinite game, we weren’t playing to win, we were playing to play. That was the expectation.

I wrestled with this recently, as I put the finishing touches on the movie. A colleague of mine asked if I feared the film might fail. And I realized something. My goal in making the movie wasn’t to make money or make history or make a name for myself. The goal of making the movie was to make the movie. Period. It’s a dream I’ve had since childhood. Not just making a movie, but composing the score for the movie. That’s way cool.

And so, the moment we wrapped the film, failure was off the table. Because the expectation was fulfilled. Anything else that happens now is icing on the cake.

If your perception of failure were changed, what would you attempt to achieve?