Generosity is the tax you pay for talent

by hellomynameisscott on October 01, 2014 in Creativity, Identity with No Comments

Opening & Closing 1Happiness comes from freedom, and freedom comes from finding a home for all of your talents.

And so, imagine a world where you were firing on all cylinders. Keeping all of your passions in play. Drawing out your full ingenuity. Making use of everything you are. Leaving no faculty untapped, and leaving no asset unharvested. That’s happiness. Because with every new talent you give yourself permission to exploit, you open a new vein of freedom that didn’t exist previously.

It’s simply a matter of permission. Allowing yourself to give your hidden gifts a more prominent place in your life.

I spent twenty years writing and singing music before I had the guts to share my songs with the public. The material was just too personal. Too bloody. To precious to be subjected to the cruel ear of the world.

But then I had an epiphany. Generosity is the tax you pay for talent. If you’ve been given a gift, something special that allows you deliver value that nobody has ever delivered before, you have an obligation to share it. To regift it so it brings joy to others. Anything less is an act of ingratitude.

And so, I finally gave myself permission to share my songs publicly. And when I did, everything shifted. My relationship to the music, my context in the world, my identity as an artist, my leverage in the marketplace and my connection with the audience.

What strength, skill or gift do you wish to use more fully?

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